People and companies hire consultants to solve their problems. We all know that there is no shortage of consultants in almost every discipline, be it in software development, financial planning, accounting, or any other discipline. However, while that’s true for the most part, good consultants are always hard to come by. Here are five professional traits of good consultants and accordingly the professional development practices that can help in the making of successful consultants.

Learn the right methodologies

Successful consultants know all the right methodologies specific to their discipline. Each discipline has its own inherent issues that requires proprietary methodologies for solving its problems. For example, if you work in the area of software development, then how you understand your customer’s requirements and translate those requirements to a working system will have a different methodology than if you were trying to solve a problem related to your client’s financial management and planning issues. So, ensure that you learn the right problem solving methodologies for your specific discipline and look for specific examples where others have applied those methodologies to solve similar problems. Besides, knowing a methodology can provide you with a good framework to study and analyze the problem and you can focus on each dimension of the work separately rather than trying to solve too many things at one time. Approaching the problem based on a methodical approach can also provide your customers with confidence in your skills to solve their problems.

A good methodology also presents a tried and tested life cycle for solving a complex problem and breaks it into multiple parts. For example, if you are a program manager who is tasked to deliver complex projects and programs, then following a proper program management methodology can provide you with a structured framework to execute the tasks of your program and ensure that you take into account all required and critical practices to deliver your program.

Have the right attitude

Successful consultants have the right attitude for solving their client’s problems. We all have heard the need for a positive attitude at all times and it’s even more important for you as a consultant. A positive and good attitude is needed not just for your clients to have faith in you and your abilities but it can make solving a problem easier for you as well. For example, having a positive attitude can help your clients engage with you more intently and the more they engage with you, the better you can learn about their problems and give you insights into solving their issues. There is plenty of research that shows how better client engagement can lead to clients actively participating with consultants in solving their problems that in turn can lead to solving the problem faster. Finally, a positive attitude can also help you re-frame the problem that you are trying to solve and give you fresh insights that you otherwise wouldn’t have if continuing to look at the problem from the same angles.

Ensure continuous improvement

Successful consultants are continuously improving and honing their skills. They are students for life. They know that what worked yesterday may not work tomorrow and thus are constantly looking for ways to learn more and are improving their skills. Continuous improvement for consultants comes in the form of constantly learning new knowledge related to their disciplines and improving upon the techniques they already have learned. For example, joining a mastermind group is one of the most popular ways for consultants to learn more from their peers. Successful consultants also have a specific plan for their improvement and track and monitor their progress constantly. Such consultants are also looking to learn from their peers and most important of all from their own experiences and past assignments.

Know problem solving techniques

Successful consultants know the essentials of problem solving techniques in general. Although knowing specific methodologies specific to your discipline provides you with a specific problem solving method, you should also know the general steps and techniques related to problem solving. During my many years working as a consultant, I have worked with many who when presented with a challenging situation either didn’t know the steps to tackle a challenge or didn’t know how to apply themselves in solving a problem. So, ensure that you always know the essential steps of solving a problem and practicing applying those steps in real life client situations. The basic steps involved in any problem solving situation involve: (1) defining the problem clearly, (2) highlighting inherent issues, (3) identifying various root causes related to those issues, (4) identifying potential ideas for solutions and options to tackle each of those issues, (5) evaluating the pros and cons of each of those ideas and potential solutions, and (6) selecting the best possible course of action. Subsequently, you should apply the solution and monitor progress and adjust as needed until you have completely resolved the problem.

Improve your communication skills

Successful consultants are excellent communicators. I believe the word “communication” is one of the most misunderstood words, especially when it comes to professional and management settings. Communication is not merely about standing in front of an audience (like in a TED Talk) and making a speech. Although that’s one aspect of it, communications also involves (1) active listening skills where you are listening to your audience and understanding their issues, (2) interacting with them effectively so as to learn more about their viewpoints and providing them enough information to enable them to open up more and tell you more about their problems, and (3) clearly articulating your thoughts, whether they be about how you understand their problems or articulating your ideas about the solutions to their problems. The unmistakable truth about improving your communication skills is that the better you are at communicating with your audience, the more likable you will be to them increasing your chances of you solving their problems.

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